Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

AC motors, like DC motors (Directional Current motors), are abbreviated for Alternating Current motors, which were invented by Nicola Tesla to convert energy from electrical to mechanical.

AC motors can be found in fans, hairdryers, clocks, washing machines, and a variety of other applications that provide services in offices, factories, and businesses, among other places.

What is AC Motor?

The main difference between AC and DC motors, apart from the structure, is the type of electrical energy used to produce mechanical energy. In other words, while AC motors make use of alternating current to produce mechanical energy, DC motors transform a different type of electrical power known as Direct Current to mechanical energy.
AC motors and DC motors are the two main types of electrical motors.
Apart from the structure, the primary distinction between AC and DC motors is the type of electrical energy used to generate mechanical energy. In other words, while alternating current motors use alternating current to generate mechanical energy, direct current motors convert a different type of electrical power known as direct current to mechanical energy.

There are also advantages associated with AC motors in comparison with DC ones:

– AC motors are more durable
– They have lower costs
– The operation is easier
– Less need for maintenance and part replacement

AC Motor Types

There are numerous types of AC motors. They may, however, have slightly different abilities and characteristics. If you want to buy one, you should understand the differences, weaknesses, and strengths so that you can make the best decision possible.

The most common AC motors include:

1. Induction motors

2. Brushless AC motors

3. Synchronous AC motors

4. Squirrel cage AC motors

5. Shaded-pole AC motors

6. Single-phase AC motors

7. Third phase AC motors

8. Clockwise

9. Anti-clockwise

10. Reversible

As you see, some are branched based on the motor type, while others are named after the phase count, maximum output speed, frequency rating, supply voltage or rotation. There are also other types branched based on the pole count, shaft length, efficiency class, etc.
Among all, the two most common motors are Inductive and synchronous Motors described below.

Induction Motors

Because of their ease of maintenance and simplicity, induction motors are better suited for starters than other types. The constant speed of inductive motors from the first stage of loading is their strength. These motors are used in both domestic and industrial machines. Asynchronous motors are another name for them. SALOC electric motor dealers in Bangalore is one of the leading channel partners for Siemens, WEG, ABB, and Bharat Bijlee for industrial AC motors.

Synchronous Motors

Because these motors move in sync with the speed of alternating current, the rate will not be constant. While synchronous motors do not support constant speed during loading or operation, the motor’s speed is controllable. Because of the massive amount of energy they can produce, synchronous motors are mostly used in industries. Furthermore, they are so large, noisy, and expensive that they are unsuitable for domestic use.

AC Motor Construction

AC motors lack commutators (brushes), whereas DC motors do. As a result, they require less maintenance. Energy is transferred from the source to the armature via the brushes. Brushes are not required in AC motors to conduct electricity. Instead, other components in an AC motor collaborate to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The three central components of an AC motor are as follows: (the structure of an AC motor will be discussed in detail in another post.)


AC motors use an alternator to alternate the direction of the current. So the alternator works as a generator in AC motors.


Rotor is a spinning shaft that receives current from the generator and produces an electromagnetic field (EMF) with two poles. SALOC, Siemens electric motor dealers in Bangalore also provide additional add-ons like encoder, PTC and Force colling.


The rotor itself turns around (or within) the stator which is a set of copper wire coils. This will make the EMF switch its direction, and the poles will switch as a result.

AC Motor Working Principle

AC motor is controlled by the voltage and frequency, which will cause varied number of magnetic poles. At SALOC we keep stock of 2 pole, 4 pole, 6 pole and 8 pole motors.

1- Making an electromagnetic field

As it was mentioned earlier, a magnetic field is made due to the rotor turning around the stator which is rotating itself.

2- Switching the poles

The rotation cause EMF changes its direction constantly, and it will switch the poles subsequently.

3- Doing an electrical circuit leads to movement

As a result, an EMF is created in the rotating stator. Remember that the stator creates its own electromagnetic field by covering the rotor (or vice versa). As a result, there would be a South and a North Pole in the stator, as well as a South and a North Pole in the rotor. Each rotor pole attracts the opposite side of the stator. Because a drive shaft passes through the rotor, it can freely move toward the opposite pole in the stator. The movement generates the mechanical energy required, and this is how electricity is converted into mechanical energy.
Although the way an AC motor works depends on its type and definitely it is more complicated than only three simple stages, we only explained the principles universal in every kind of motor, in short.

AC Motor Price and Cost

If you are to buy an AC motor and do not know how much you need to invest, we are here to help you with our experience of 33 years in this industry.

What do you need?

Before anything else, you need to know what exactly you need, i.e. what do you want to do with your AC motor? Is it going to be used in application or you plan to use it in a factory to run the machine? The more time you spend on that, the more you avoid wasting your money by buying what cannot meet your demands.

1. The AC motor type

You can do that by investigating different types of AC motors. Remember, if a simpler motor can do what you need, do not buy a more complicated and more expensive one. This will also differ of efficiency like IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 and now latest is IE5.

2. The AC motor strength

The other determining factor is the country that made the motor. The quality, the price, and the strength may differ. Some countries may not produce some specific AC motor types. Explore Saloc CG electric motors dealers in Bangalore for better strength.

Which one is more expensive?

Industrial motors can cost from few hundreds of rupees to lakhs of rupees depending on the motor size and the energy they produce per sec. Now it may be clear that domestic motors are usually cheaper than the industrial ones because of the size and the power they have. Choose Saloc, ABB industrial motors dealers in Bangalore for better experience.

Get advice

To have a better idea of AC motor prices, we suggest checking the or call for getting advice from experts at Saloc , electric motor dealers in Bangalore.

SALOC Stocks and Distributes AC Motors & Servo Motors, Drives and Industrial Automation Products of various MNC Brands like Siemens, WEG, ABB, Bharat Bijlee, Baldor , Baumer, Control Techniques, JK Fenner and OLI. Please feel free to enquiry for any of the above mentioned products and we will be glad to help you choose the right Product for your Requirement.

By Saloc

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